The Future Of Deep Learning

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Deep learning diagnosis

Deep learning in medicine is set to reach epidemic proportions. Scanning systems will be able to detect early onset of diseases.

Robot revolution

By 2019, an extra 1.4 million industrial robots will be deployed in factories worldwide. Deep learning machinery will be able to learn new skills and adapt to their surroundings to deliver highly customized products.

(Source: International Federation of Robots)

Drones fight disaster

Deep learning unmanned aerial vehicles will be able to detect signs of life such as a heartbeat underneath rubble in a disaster zone, and then alert emergency services of the person’s location.

Coming to a home near you

Californian tech start-up Brain of Things has developed a deep learning building control system. After of two days of observing the resident’s routine, it learns their preferences and works for each occupant. The door unlocks automatically when they arrive home, the curtains open when it’s time to wake up – but also remember the essential weekend lie-ins.

Navigate your way to the future

With a deep learning car, you’ll never get lost again. The windscreen could display your route, highlighting key turning points. Taking a trip abroad? It could even translate road signs.

Smart vision

The 285 million visually impaired people in the world could benefit from a wearable device that provides the user with real time data on their surroundings.